Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Eagle's music on hold

I'm currently signed up with Eagle Teleconferencing and used one of their conference lines. They had a feature that played music when people called in until the speaker came on the call. Which I found to be very helpful so that people knew they were actually on the conference call.


N.P. Jackson said...

This sounds like a great tool for conference calls! I have never heard of that option being offered. My company will have to look into Eagle Teleconferencing. Thanks Nicky for that great tip!

Nicky O said...

Well if you are going to look into that, you should know Eagle Teleconferencing also offers another very helpful feature. It is called announcements. That is when you call into a conference, it asks for your name. Then it places you in the call and plays a message of you saying your name. Therefore, everyone on the call can hear your name once you are on the call. As a speaker on the call I feel it is a very helpful tool to use. So, you might want to get ahold of Eagle Telconferencing and find out about that too.

N.P. Jackson said...

Ok, so I have a question about the announcements feature that Eagle Teleconferencing offers. Do the announcements only come on at the begining of the cal or is there a way they can be played at the end of the call to know if someone hangs up before the call is over. We sometimes have trouble with people just calling in for role call and then hanging up and we don't know about it. So I think that would be helpful to us if it did.

Nicky O said...

Well actually Eagle Teleconferencing has it set up so that you can do it either or both. You can have it so they announce you at just the begining or the just the end. Or you can have it so it plays when you come on the call and when you hang up. It's just whatever works better for you. Hope that helps.

Nicky O said...

Yes, the music on hold is better than dead silence. When I first started calling in on a conference line, I wouldn't hear anything & I kept hanging up & calling back in repeatedly. Less of a hassle when you're trying to get in on important business meetings.