Thursday, July 10, 2008

Eagle Teleconferencing is Family

My grandmother has been very sick and we have family all over the states, it is very hard to up date everyone on grandmothers condition. I had been on Eagles Teleconferencings audio conferencing with our business so I called Eagle to see if I could set up my own account. They set me up with a 24 hour conference line so the dial in number and the pin number is the same all the time. So we gave all the family the information and we set up several different time during the day we all call and we can up date on grandmother and discuss any treatments that need to be done. Thank You Eagle and GOD BLESS!

1 comment:

Nicky O said...

Have you ever had a time when the weather was bad & you couldn't get to work? Your stuck in a blizzard, rain is poring extremely heavy so you can't see through your windshield? Even though mother nature doesn't always work in our favor there is still important business to take care of.
Eagle teleconferencing is your solution. Do a conference call or use the web conferencing service. They're specialized operators are there to assist you 24 hours a day. They will set up your conference line, confirm the call with you, and your set to go within 15 minutes. Eagle Teleconferencing has been a life saver for me on more than one occasion.